MM Sapphire


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MM Sapphire

Additional Info

SireMajor Mac V
DamMM La Bonita
Year Born2024
Height15-2 when mature
Temperament (1=Very Quiet 10=Very Hot)4
DisciplineBroodmare, Endurance, Halter, Hunter, Trail Riding-Competitive, Trail Riding-Recreational, Western Pleasure
CountryUnited States
Zip/Postal Code76028

MM Sapphire has loads of potential in her future!  The sire of this filly needs no introduction.  Major Mac V is a champion and producer of champions as is her dam, MM La Bonita.  Sapphire has a neck that’s miles long, set on well, with an incredible body and head to die for.  Breeders Sweepstakes, futurity, Scottsdale Sweepstakes and AWPA nominated, she is going to excel in halter and performance, but the best thing is she loves her humans!

March 18, 2025 7:30 PM

20 days, 4 hours

Listing ID 5756681da0513c19 1810 total views, 2 today